HBS Essay Analysis 2024-2025

HBS has always valued concision. Each student needs to speak in class to obtain participation point. For the benefit of the whole, each student needs to succinctly make a point that is additive to the case discussion and know when to pass the mike. Adcom puts you to the test by packing a lot into a 30-minute interview – can you provide insight concisely and know what to stop talking?

This year, they are assessing this attribute earlier in the process by asking you to squeeze in quite a bit of information in very few words.

Essay 1

Business-Minded: Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you strive to make on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (up to 300 words)

What experiences have motivated you to make the career choices you have made so far, and what new experiences motivate you to your new career aspirations?

In some ways, this is like a goal essay but with the focus more on the “why” that the “what.” Why did you choose the path so far and why are you seeking the goals you aspire to post-MBA?

And rather than listing a title, function and geography here you are asked the harder question of that positive impact you hope to generate.

“We are looking for individuals who are passionate about using business as a force for good – who strive to improve and transform companies, industries, and the world.”

It’s no secret full-time MBA programs spend more money to educate you than you pay in tuition, so I encourage candidates to think of themselves as investible opportunities. What is the positive social ROI you will generate by way of achieving your career aspirations? Why should HBS pick you?

My outline would be as follows – make sure to write chronologically.

  1. Discuss the watershed moment that led you to what you are doing now, (your “why” then)

  2. Discuss the similar watershed moment that led to the post-MBA goal you are going for (your “why” now”) – this is likely to be a problem if solved would generate positive social impact.“We are seeking those who are eager to solve today’s biggest problems and shape the future through creative and integrated thinking.”

  3. Discuss the positive impact you will make after having achieved this – if possible, think of the ripple effects. Of course, consider how you plan to make your next organization successful but also communities that might benefit from that success. This answers the HBS ROI of Why You in terms of business success, problems solved by your innovations, populations uplifted by your commitment to change, etc.

Essay 2

Leadership-Focused: What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (up to 250 words)

Given the incredibly tight word limit, I would recommend you focus the first part around experience(s) that have shaped who you are as a leader, in whatever form that has taken. Sometimes I need to remind people that leadership is not people management – in fact, it doesn’t really need to include managing others at all.

“We deliberately create a class that includes different kinds of leaders, from the front-line manager to the startup founder to the behind-the-scenes thought leader.”

At its core, I believe leadership means taking the initiative to solve problems.

It's clear from the 2nd part they want a class comprised of those who HAVE in fact invested in others; this question has a bit of a gatekeeping quality to it. Try to provide a continuum from the experience that shaped who you are and then how that became the catalyst for how you invest in others.

For some, investing in others comes so naturally you barely recognize it. It might help to “crowdsource” this question to get more clarity and objectivity on your special brand of investing in others.

To address the last part of the question, you might consider what leadership characteristics you need to achieve your goal. You might even Google something like “most important leadership qualities of a ____ fill in your goal job here.” State the vision of future you as a leader.

Essay 3

Growth-Oriented: Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (up to 250 words)

Here’s what I think they are looking for:

Willingness to do the work:
“Our case and field-based learning methods depend on the active participation of curious students who are excited to listen and learn…”

I often say that MBA applicants are both the consumer and the product. HBS wants to protect that product. They need students who are eager to read cases and rigorously engage with their learning team, a process that leads to a dynamic classroom environment. Many are eager to deprioritize academics in their MBA program but that is not how things work at HBS.

The value proposition of HBS is largely about how much you extract from the classes. You invest a great deal of time but learn a lot in equal proportion.

Being open and coachable:
“At HBS you will be surrounded by future leaders from around the world who will make you think more expansively…”

In their description of what constitutes “growth-oriented” they mention listening twice which I believe is intentional. As you might imagine, many apply to HBS to achieve status more than transformation. They might be high achieving but lack a beginner’s mindset.

It’s clever that HBS asks for an example where the applicant’s pursuit of learning something new resulted in a transformation. This helps them sift out those who can truly leverage the opportunity.

Having worked for many large MBA prep firms earlier in my career, I am proud to be a boutique provider who only handles 4-5 clients per round. I get to know my clients inside and out, which allows admissions to as well.
Partner with me to significantly increase your chances of being admitted to your top choice MBA program. Complete my contact form to receive CV and profile feedback.



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